Sunday, February 23, 2014

Meiji Amino Collagen

What is collagen?

Collagen is a protein that occurs naturally in the body. It plays a major role in maintaining tissue suppleness and elasticity. It's a beauty essential, key to maintaining a youthful appearance.

Why take collagen supplements?

Starting around the age of 20, the amount of collagen in your body starts to decline. You can replenish collagen through diet to some extent, but the effects of diet alone are limited. That's why collagen in drinks is attracting so much attention. 
Readily dissolved in liquids, powdered Amino Collagen is designed to be consumed in drinks, making it easy to get all the collagen you need to build the foundations for beauty. The suggested daily dose is 5,000 mg.

graph / Amount of collagen in youth / Age
Source: "Aging Mechanisms and Control" (IBC)
Prof. Shushichi Takshashi, partially revised.

What is the different?

Collagen that's ingested but not absorbed is completely wasted. Composed of 100% low-molecular fish collagen, Ami Colla is easily absorbed by the body. It's absorbed by the body at rates 1.5 times greater than pig-skin collagen.
Collagens aren't the same. Ami Colla is 100% fish collagen, broken down into molecular peptides for ready absorption by the body. At roughly 1/60 the molecular weight of regular collagen, Ami Colla is better absorbed by the body than regular collagen, due to its mass.
Comparison of collagen peptide blood absorption levels derived from different sources but having the same molecular weight / graph  Amount absorbed of collagen peptide (nmol/ml plasma) / Time after ingestion
What is collagen peptide? / collagen molecule / heating / gelatinous collagen / decomposition into smaller molecules / peptide collagen

Carefully selected, high purity collagen.
After subjecting the raw ingredients to a rigorous process of selection, screening, and refinement, we apply a unique enzyme treatment to break down the fish collagen used in Amino Collagen into small molecules (collagen peptides). The transparency of the collagen attests to its purity.

Evolving into nearly odor-free collagen.
Meiji's unique new manufacturing process results in a new type of collagen with much lower levels of collagen's characteristic odor .
1.Odorous components/Collagen solution / 2.Deodorizers/Absorption of odorous components / 3.Deodorizers are removed after absorbing odorous components./Odorless collagen solution

What are the ingredients of Meiji Amino Collagen?
Amino Collagen combines fish collagen with three carefully selected beauty ingredients.
Taking the four ingredients together maximizes the effectiveness of each ingredient in a way that can be seen and felt.
Low molecular fish collagen 5000mg / Amino acid (arginine) to rejuvenate your face even before you put on makeup 450mg / Glucosamine, an essential building block of hyaluronic acid 60mg / Vitamin C for collagen 50mg

Information are adapted from Meiji Co., Ltd official site.

Enjoy this delicious,readily-dissolved collagen hot or cold!

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